Sunday, August 30, 2009

Moose and Magpie by Bettina Restrepo

Ride along on the adventure of a young calf with his funny friend in Moose and Magpie. Discover why the moose crossed the road, learn about the different kinds of moose hair, and become wise on recognizing the sound of a magpie (well, sort of!). A multitude of facts are shared about the two animals throughout a joke-filled year of growth. As a book published by Sylvan Dell, you and your children can go beyond the stories with activities at the back of the book and online.

Overall, I felt that the book had a great idea. I loved discovering the facts about the two animals. And, I thought the illustrations were adorable. However, I had a hard time reading this one aloud to my daughter. It felt choppy to me and did not flow smoothly. I decided to read the book again for a second time, quietly to myself. Though it seemed to be a tad more fluent when read in this manner, I still felt that it tended to be a bit disconnected. In the end, I would only give the book an average rating. I enjoyed certain aspects, but felt others were lacking. Then again, maybe I just didn't enjoy it because the jokes were meant to be directed at a much younger crowd with a different sense of humor?

If you or your child love the moose, it may not hurt to check out this book. It does have a lot of positives. To name just a few . . . 1) the illustrations; 2) the facts given about the moose and the magpie; 3) the activities associated with the story; and 4) maybe even the corny jokes! The nice thing is that you can go online for a limited time to check out the full story in an e-book version by clicking here. In fact, go there now and come back to let me know what you think. I really want to hear more opinions!

I'm having a giveaway of this book that will end on Monday, August 31, 2009 at 11:59 pm. For more information and to enter, click here.

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